Saturday, November 17, 2007

Call for Action

I've worked on a few open source projects and I have nothing bad to say about any of them. If there is one shortfall in the open source world its that everyone wants to be the hero. Everyone wants to "start" an open source project. But far less people are willing to join existing projects and take them those last tedious few steps necessary to truly make them useful. These steps usually include bug fixing and documentation. This is why sourceforge has hundreds of thousands of projects that will never be used.

At RubyConf Charles Nutter issued a "Call for Action" asking people to help take things those last steps, both on documentation of the new Ruby runtime AND bug fixing for JRuby. So if you are interesting in doing something new, try and help him out. Its the little things that makes most open source projects great.

Charles Nutter's Call to Action Post

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