Sunday, October 5, 2008

routes with Cherrypy

As I posted earlier, my new favorite web framework is cherrypy. I love its simplicity and the fact that I'm not wrestling with magic to do exactly what I want to do. One bug knock against cherry py is its routing mechansim. By default it uses an object reference routing, so take the following:

class HelloWorld()
def index(self):
return "



def say_hello(self):
return "

Hello World!


class Root(object):

hello = HelloWorld()
app = cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), config=conf)

Notice that our Root object creates a controller as a member var called hello. By default the way we would have a browser call the "say hello" method is by:

This is fine and simple, but as we all know in the world of search engine optimization you have to put as much into your urls as you do your content. This is why things like swimlanes and routes in frameworks such as rails and Servlets are so important. Not to fear becase you can do this in cherrypy also.

Cherrypy pretty much allows you to drop in any request dispatching mechanism you want. Thats the whole point of cherrypy is it completly stays out of your way so you can build the exact webapp you want. If you want to use the python routes package, go a ahead. If you want to write you own, more power to you.

Here is a tutorial on using routes with cherrypy.

Quickly, just by adding the following lines to the code where I start my cherrypy app:
 d = cherrypy.dispatch.RoutesDispatcher()
d.connect('blog', 'helloworld/, controller=Root.hello, action="say_hello")

And I now get routes style power!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

python and sweet cherrypy

I've been doing a lot of python sever-side programming lately, and I really like it. One diamond in the rough I've found is Cherrypy ( Cherrypy is a very lightweight and pythonic web framework that does the bare-minimum needed to get you up and running with a model/view controller framework. After that its all up to you and it pretty much stays out of your way.

At its basic cherrypy is really just an application. They do include an http server that runs pretty well, and you can also run your app as a mod_wsgi or mod_python app.

Lets write hello world:

import cherrypy

class HelloWorld(object):
def index(self):
return "Hello World!" = True


running this piece of code you see:

[02/Oct/2008:06:55:40] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[02/Oct/2008:06:55:40] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[02/Oct/2008:06:55:40] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[02/Oct/2008:06:55:40] ENGINE Bus STARTING
CherryPy Checker:
The Application mounted at '' has an empty config.

[02/Oct/2008:06:55:40] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
[02/Oct/2008:06:55:40] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
[02/Oct/2008:06:55:41] ENGINE Serving on
[02/Oct/2008:06:55:41] ENGINE Bus STARTED

and going to you see "hello world".

Thats pretty much it.

I know I know, a lot of you are saying "Wait, why would I use this over something like JEE and rails that does all this majic for me?" There is no shortage of "out of the box" web frameworks that promise a "build your app in hours" magic

I've been using web frameworks going on 9 years, everything from JEE (Jboss), Ruby on Rails, and even Django. And they are all great. The probem is they are opinionated. To try and remove responsibilities from the developer they make decisions for you, for example:

  1. How they create and commit your db session between requests
  2. How many db sessions you can have.
  3. View rendering technologies
  4. which ORM to use
The list goes on and on. And if you are using one of these frameworks you are enjoing all these "freebies" if you agree to follow the opinion and rules set by the framework. However, the moment you have to go against one of these "pre-decisions" you can find yourself wrestling with the framework. Just try to extend RoR to have multiple db sessions. Or JBoss to use a "share nothing" architecture. I usually find these issues come out when addressing scaling issues specific to your user behavior.

With cherrypy's "minimal" architecture you are free to pretty much do what you want, but you have to do it. You decide how db sessions are opened and closed before and after requests, or how your controllers are stuctured. Its all up to you. And the interesting thing is when you start doing many of the "freebies" your self, you find you you weren't getting as much for free as you thought.